Monday, September 22, 2008

Marietta misses the mark

Apparently, Marietta College students should have picked a different liberal arts school. At our college, there is no information kiosk on the mall where students can make restaurant reservations or drop off their dry cleaning. I have never received a text message informing me that my laundry is ready to be switched from the washer to the dryer and no one hands me free food on my way to class.

"Of course," you're thinking. "Because those things are kind of ridiculous to expect of your college." Except they're not. Not anymore, anyway.

A Sept. 20 article from ABC News states that colleges and universities across the nation are beginning to cater to students' needs more than ever before. The theory is, since students are paying so much money to attend the school, the administration better keep their customers happy. They hope their commitment to service will inspire the students to work harder and take their role in the classroom more seriously.

Tuition at Marietta costs over $33,000 a year. Many of us serve our communities and make the Dean's High Honors List on a regular basis. Granted, we did it without all the added incentives. But where, I ask you, is my free snack? After all, a reward might be kind of nice.

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