Friday, October 17, 2008

Locks of Love event tonight

This evening, five sophomores from the leadership program (including myself!) are holding a Locks of Love hair drive at the Gathering Place from 7 p.m. to midnight in honor of Make a Difference Day. This day celebrates a national weekend of service. Citizens are encouraged to complete a project or volunteer in their communities.

The event tonight will feature approximately 15 people cutting off six or more inches or hair. This hair will be give to Locks of Love, an organization that uses the donations to create wigs for children who are suffering from cancer.

Tonight, will also be a raffle, pool and darts tournament, open mic night and free food for both the donors and those who wish to stop by and support them.

You have an opportunity to make a difference every day. I encourage you to find a way to change your community for the better this weekend. Please feel free to post your experiences and share them with the rest of us!


Darttalker said...

Who was the event? I'm always looking for news about darts...

Darttalker said...

Oops... I meant How was the event?