Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Virginity is a high price to pay

College is expensive.  For example, Marietta College costs over $33,000 a year.  Although grants and aid help, students and their parents are often left with a large bill to foot.  The most common way students pay for school is through applying for financial aid, scholarships, and working to save money for tuition.  There are, however, a few unconventional ways of raising money as well.

Today, Howard Stern interviewed a 22-year-old woman on his radio show who has decided to auction off her virginity.  She will use the money to pay for college tuition.  The auction will take place during the radio program, and the woman will wait until she receives a suitable bid.

Forgive me if I'm being conservative, but this is disgusting. It makes me sad that students feel the need to stoop so low to fund their education.  While this is undoubtedly one of the more creative ways to raise money, it's also one of the most dangerous.  Perhaps college financial offices will pick up on this desperate need for funds and find a way to lift the financial burden this young woman, and the rest of us, are feeling. In the meantime, keep your pants zipped and find a different way to write that tuition check each semester.


JJM 5 said...

Amen, daughter-friend!

Reece Churilla said...

I pretty much agree, but I have to admit that it's not clear who or what is to blame for this kind of behavior. In our media-ridden culture, devoid of anything sacred, an attractive woman prostituting herself drives the boys animal-mad. Marriage has been reduced to a fleeting pastime. People continue fighting for the unborn while those of us who are really alive suffer and wither away. I remain apathetic toward an inevitable news-story that media producers and consumers alike take far too seriously.